Monday, June 9, 2008

Indiana Jones: Crystal Skull Review

Ok, I do not want to spoil anything, so I will try and keep it short.
1: This is the most family-friendly of all the Indy movies. Less gore, less passionate love scenes.
2: Language is fairly mild
3: Research in the setting and time period was extensive and well done, although Shia Lebeouff (Did I spell that right?) was not really in character. He makes a bad greaser.

I will spoil one thing for you: There are aliens in it, so the ending is a bit tacky, but otherwise, it has the same awesome feel of all the indiana jones movies, although you can tell they're grooming Lebeouf for the role of the next Jones.

Acting was superb, the script fit the setting and mood, and the lines, although normally would seem hoaky, fit right it and were delivered well.

I give it 4/5 stars. *****

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